Happy Saturday morning!
Welcome to the latest TerraNova newsletter.
Thank you so much for being here!
Previously released track (if you missed it):
*Happy International Piano Day Special Edition
Wow, its April!
I don’t have much to share.
All I kept thinking about when I wrote this was all the places I’ve been able to travel to in my life. I’ve been so blessed to do it.
So I wanted to share some photos of different places I’ve visited that remind me of “Up Above And Down Below.”
I encourage you to sit back and listen to this track.
I figured a good Saturday tune might be what some of us need right now.
The new track has a blend of synthesizer sounds, and a warm piano. Also some interesting wind and rain textures.
I have been working on this track for several weeks now. I’m finally happy with it and ready to share it with you.
I really do hope this TerraNova is helping you unplug even if for just a few minutes throughout the day and making you take a pause from the busyness of life. There is plenty of music for your ears by now available right here.
It’s certainly been therapeutic for me to make and go back and listen to.
As always I would love to know what you think. Be sure to share it as well. This is a FREE post.
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